Wednesday, March 12, 2008

They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love

Politics. Sometimes I love 'em, sometimes I hate 'em. Either way, we gotta live with 'em, so here we go. I read an article yesterday about an 8th grade boy who professed that he was gay growing up. He asked a boy in his class to be his valentine and the kid ended up bringing a gun to school and shooting him in the head in the middle of class. yikes.

So what does the Christian community do with the gay community (not assuming these are seperate - see Ted Haggard, leading evangelist in the world one year ago)? For me, this is not a complicated question, but it seems like we have made it that way. Now I'm not one to say that pars of the Bible are more important than others (by any means), but I do personally put more weight on Jesus' life. God incarnate. God in flesh. God as man. Crazy. So I look to His life for answers. I'm sure you see where this is going: love.

Yep. Love. But how do we love people who are "living their entire lifestyle in sin". Well, the same way I love anyone I've ever loved. Why would I treat my God-following father any differently than my drug dealing friend? Why would I treat Jesus different from a homosexual? I shouldn't and I won't.

But what about gay marriage? Every time I turn this topic on CNN or Fox News, all I see is the Religious Right battling this issue and how it is going to underpin American values. Well, I hate to say it, but gay marriage is going to be legalized. Whether I agree with it or not, or whether you agree with it or not, really is not going to matter (in my opinion). So, with that conclusion, and with looking at Jesus' life of loving the "worst of sinners", why are Christians battling gay marriage. We are looked at as the enemy. When a gay person hears the word "Christian", the first thing most are going to associate that with is "gay hater". Umm...I don't really want to be associated with that.

So. I'm not going to battle gay marriage on Washington's door. Instead, I'm going to try and treat a gay person just like I would treat my father. With respect for the individual.

Anyone else in?


benjamindavidbrown said...

Besides the use of the word 'yikes'...
mad respek, mon.

aspiring_musician said...

dcb blog:

katie beth said...

hm.. you're right.. i like this site better. it looks cooler..

as far as your post, i agree up to a certain point. we are to love homosexuals like Jesus would and did, I am sure. But loving the individual does not mean that we should legalize the sin. I do think that Christians have perhaps spent too much time thinking about Washington and not enough time in their own backyards and communities learning how to love, but legalizing gay marriage is a mistake. The problem is walking the fine line of denouncing homosexuality without denouncing homosexuals.