Monday, February 25, 2008

A Few Things I'm Learning/Thinking About...

- The first time I'm unemployed since I was around 15 years old could be when I graduate from college (hooray for irony).
- I'm going to have a whole host of expenses coming my way here pretty soon and not a lot of cash to pay for those.
- I should look for the beauty of God aesthetically - especially while I'm here on the island.
- Going running is refreshing.
- I have a gazillion interests but almost all of them relate to directly to the field of technology.
- I am overly excited to see Kelly in 23 days.
- I am going to read an actual book until I finish it rather than approximately 30 online articles a day.
- I have a ton of work to do with both of the artists I am engineering for, due a week from today.
- I do not know a lot of places to look for music business jobs.
- I do not know if I want to pursue music business.
- Marketing and Music Engineering are two of the most intriguing things to think about/do.
- Protestant's are about to officially become a minority for the first time in America's history (51% claim to be Protestant now, compared to 65% in the 80's - World News).
- I am trying to learn tons of new software - photoshop, illustrator, about 5 different video editing softwares, garage band, VLC, azureus, limewire, switch, iDVD, iPhoto, and all the other goodness on my Mac.
- I think I may borderline worship Steve Jobs.
- I don't think patriotic songs should be sung in churches.
- I am a Republican with no one to vote for.
- I've learned more from Kel than anyone besides my parents (often through just processing).
- Communication must be focused and concise (Big lesson here).
- I like watching films analytically and not just for pleasure.
- I listen to way too much music of way too many genres.
- I don't listen to as much music as I want to.
- I miss my friends from Geneva and want to call them, as well as high school friends, but never make the time to.
- Kelly is wonderful and I take her love for granted sometimes.
- God has blessed my relationship with her beyond belief this semester.
- I recommend renting the movie "Once" and listening to the soundtrack over and over again.
- I don’t know where I want to live in a few months (this should probably be a whole separate blog – ha)
- I love being organized and having a schedule.
- I need to figure out what to write on my different resumes.
- I need to actually spend time looking for jobs.

- I say "I" too much (Philippians 2:3-4).

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